Saturday, January 15, 2011


India is one of the fastest growing economy in today's world..India has the world's second largest population and is the world's largest liberal democracy. It is also the world's eleventh largest economy. Currently, India maintains the world's third largest active armed force and has nuclear weapons..So now we need to push ourself for the permanent seat in Security Council as a permanent member.Presently in unsc there are 5 permanent members : France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States,China.

India's Chances :

India's Bid is Backed by 4 out of 5 member's France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States.The only country which was undecided on India's Bid was China.But In response to U.S. decision to support India,China said it "understands' India's aspirations and it is willing to carry the 'consultations with India' on the issue.After positive sign from U.S.A, India decided to put their part in the R-I-C summit[Russia,India,China].Recent history has turned China's official support for India's candidature from negative to neutral to positive, in correlation with stronger economic ties. China has previously indicated it would support India's bid for a permanent seat, but without a veto

India also have a stronger chance then their competitors like Brazil, Japan, Germany, South Africa because in 2010 presidents of all the 5 members of UNSC visted India and all supported India chances,India being the largest democracy in the world,having highest gdp growth after china have a stronger chance to grab the seat.

Also US and Russia are Threatened by the Growing rise of China and US fears that it's Dominance in the world could be challeneged By china and therefore They want to Bring In a Asian country that can neutralise China's Presence so the Only options are Japan and India,But since China are Superly against Japan,India's chances have been Brightened. 

Only Roadblock in India's bid is the opposition of Pakistan to it. 

Other Contenders

1) Brazil -- Perhaps the strongest contender amongst all.

Points In Favour

  • South america, a big continent has no representation at all in the UNSC permanent members whilst from Asia china is already there.
  • It is also supported by France, US, UK, Russia.
Points Against

  • China has shown no official support for its bid.
  •  Mexico and Argentina two important South american countries oppose Brazil, a Portuguese-speaking country in a largely Spanish-speaking Latin America.

2) Japan --

Points In Favour
  • Strong Support from Us.
  • Japan is the second largest contributor to the UN's regular budget.
Points Against
  • Super strong dissaproval From China,North and South Korea. 
  •  because of the perceived refusal of Japan to take full responsibility for its World War II atrocities as well as its potential militarism, and a fear from the People's Republic of China that Japan could become a regional counterweight to its own influence and power.

3) Germany

Points In Favour
  • Germany is the third largest contributor to the U.N. regular budgets next to Japan.
  • Support From UK,Russia,France..
Points Against
  • Already 2 out of present 5 are Europian countries so another europian country Doesn't make Much Sense.

4) African Country 

Points In Favour
  • Africa is the 2nd largest and populated Continent in the world and has no representative in Unsc permanent members 
  • Africa has the most UNSC countries but still no permanent Seat.
Points Against
  • Biggest problem for Africa is that There is no One unanimous Contender South Africa,Algeria,Nigeria,Egypt, Ethiopia

  • Ethiopia was one of the founding members of the United Nations; South Africa has one of the largest and the most developed economies on the continent; and Nigeria is the most populous country,Egypt being a Muslim nation will satisfy the Demand of all Muslim Nation's in the world wanting a Muslim country to be a Part of Unsc permanent Nations.

Written By :
Prateek Tyagi ----- Prabhjit Singh Walia